Welcome to our latest Postcard From the Lakes

Read it here: A Postcard from the Lakes - 6th January 2023

Header image: 'Blencathra' by Graham O'Dwyer

Wishing you a very Happy New Year!

Welcome to our latest Postcard From the Lakes. After a very cold two weeks before Christmas, it's been a wet start to January.

If you're looking for something active to do in the new year we've got just the thing - our new season of volunteer work party dates are on the website now, and we're particularly looking for people to join us at Gillside in Grasmere on 25th January, when you can help tree staking, branch lopping and coppicing, path clearing and possibly even some dry stone walling.

We're pleased that the UK's first research laboratory looking at the impact of light pollution and human health and nature has been set up at Lancaster University, by Prof Nick Dunn, who has hosted Dark Skies events for us before. Read more about it below. We're also excited to be running our Big Switch Off in Ambleside and Grasmere again in February, to save energy and see more stars.

There are updates on plans for Brandlehow Cottage, and the new Ullock Moss carpark application below, and the government as announced a £2 price cap on single journey bus journeys in most places outside London, from now until the end of March. It's a start to help save our rural bus services - but we need it to continue.

With our very best wishes, 
Friends of the Lake District

Read it here: A Postcard from the Lakes - 6th January 2023

Header image: 'Blencathra' by Graham O'Dwyer

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