Roanhead Lodge Development

Update July 2024

"Roanhead still under threat" one year after protestors make a stand on the sand

A year after a well-publicised demonstration against planning applications for a holiday resort near a stretch of environmentally sensitive South Cumbrian coastline, local people and others wanting to protect Roanhead remain concerned for its future.

Last year, a proposal was put forward for a 450-lodge holiday resort between Barrow and Askam-in-Furness, an area of coastline that boasts multiple protected sites for nature as well as expansive views to the Lake District fell

The prospect of thousands of additional visitors descending on protected habitats, which includes important breeding grounds for the rare Natterjack Toad, rallied communities, visitors, environmental organisations and residents of nearby Askam, Dalton and Barrow in Furness into action. A local community group called Save Roanhead was set up to campaign against the proposals.

On 11 July 2023, landscape charity Friends of the Lake District, along with Save Roanhead members, ran an event that asked people to ‘Make a Stand on the Sand’ (pictured below). The event demonstrated the strength of opposition to the proposals and raised awareness of what could be lost, attracting a lot of publicity including TV, radio and newspaper articles. 

The proposals for the resort were subsequently withdrawn, but developers later submitted a revised application, reducing the number of lodges to 233. This reduction failed to address the issues of concern, with 67,000 guests per year still expected at the resort.

Further to the 233-lodge resort a separate development consisting of more lodges, glamping pods and caravan pitches has now been put forward.

Read the full story about Roanhead here.

Update February 2024 - revised planning application received for Roanhead  

After huge opposition to plans for a 450-lodge holiday resort at Roanhead, the developers have now changed their application, reducing the number of lodges to 233.  Our view is that the development would still have a major impact on this sensitive stretch of coastline, despite the reduction in the planned number of lodges. Please help us object again - previous responses won't count. 

Read our latest response (Feb 2024) here, and the Appendix here

Update January 2024 

After withdrawing their initial application in December 2023, the developers have submitted a new application for a reduced number of lodges (233). The size of the accompanying holiday complex facilities remains the same. 

Read our previous July 2023 response here and a review of the Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment here

Roanhead Update 27 September 2023

We are aware that a further proposal on land adjacent the 450-lodge Roanhead development is afoot. It comprises 62 lodges, 40 touring caravan/motorhome/ camper pitches and visitor facilities.
At this stage, it is a screening request, meaning the landowner/developer Queensland County Park Ltd. is just asking for Westmorland & Furness Council’s view on whether an Environmental Impact Assessment would be required for such a proposal.  
We continue to work with other relevant organisations and the local community, including the Save Roanhead group, and will give further updates, once we have had chance to see the proposals and consider next steps – we will need to carefully consider the relationship between this and the larger proposal already under consideration. 

Roanhead Farm development risks irreparable harm to nature

We've joined forces with a coalition of nature and landscape charities to object to a serious threat to the internationally significant nature reserve at Sandscale Haws and wider Morecambe Bay and Duddon estuary.

Read more>

Make a Stand on the Sand for Roanhead event makes the News

Our Make a Stand in the Sand event yesterday attracted 80 protestors, to save Roanhead from a 450 holiday lodge development right next to the National Trust Sandscale Haws nature reserve and many other protected sites for nature attracted 80 plus protesters and featured on BBC North West Tonight news.  We also leafletted nearby housing about it. 

Thanks to everyone who turned out for it. It was great to meet so many people and see how passionately concerned people are about the proposal. 

If you agree that this wild place needs saving, please write to object before 23 July. Read our guide to how to do it:

Watch the North West Tonight news feature about it.

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450-Lodge Resort Development At Roanhead

A proposal for a 450-lodge holiday resort and facilities at Roanhead, between Barrow and Askam-in-Furness, threatens a stretch of coastline where there are multiple protected sites for nature as well as expansive views to the Lake District fells. 

This area is popular with local people for quiet recreation, including walking and bird-watching. The proposal will harm the quality and experience of recreational opportunities, compromise the landscape, including tranquillity, and put pressure on the sensitive dune and intertidal habitats. The proposal is heavily reliant on access by car and there will also be impacts on the narrow local roads. 

We fully recognise the need for regeneration in Barrow and for new jobs and opportunities to be brought to the area.  We also understand the attractiveness of this coastal landscape. However, this proposal is not appropriate for this site for a number of reasons:

  • Impact on landscape character, including tranquillity
  • Visual impact
  • Light pollution impacts on dark skies and biodiversity
  • Impact on species and habitats
  • Impact on enjoyment by local people of an important, much-valued and accessible recreational resource
  • Traffic impacts on narrow local roads and a lack of sustainable transport
  • Instability of the land which is littered with former mine workings and have resulted in a number of sink holes opening up locally, including in recent years
  • Instead, new development should be focused on regenerating the town centre and brownfield sites and should be readily served by public transport.

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Banner image: Roanhead, Sandscale Haws, Walney and the Duddon seen from Black Combe, by Chris Howe

A NEW planning application has now been submitted for the development of a huge holiday lodge park at Roanhead, on the Furness coast.  We have added new response template below, and will add our own Friends of the Lake District response shortly. 

It is crucial that when responding to the revised plans, you make clear that you are aware of the changes, including the reduced number of lodges, and that you still object. Ensure that you amend anything you said previously that is no longer accurate or relevant (for example if you quoted from a document in the application, or referred to figures that may have changed). 

If you are very short on time, you can resubmit the same letter/email as before, but please include a short cover note/email confirming you have considered the revised plans and recognise the changes made, but that your objections still apply as set out in your previous response. This is definitely preferable to doing nothing and will still count!

How to write to Westmorland and Furness Council to give your views about the proposal at Roanhead - guidance

The official deadline for responses is 24th February 2024. But written responses will still be accepted by Westmorland and Furness Council until it makes its decision on this planning application.

View details of the proposal at the link below.  The application number is B06/2024/0024.

Click link above and then type reference B06/2024/0024 into the search bar and click ‘search’

Friends of the Lake District will be examining this planning application in detail and we will submit our own written response which we'll make available here once submitted.

We have written the guidance below to help those concerned about the proposal to construct their own response. It is based on the assumption that you wish to OBJECT to the proposal in principle. If you take a different view to this, then you will need to adapt your response accordingly.

When and where to send your response 

  • Email [email protected] 
  • Or write to Development Control,  Westmorland & Furness Council (Barrow),  Town Hall, Duke Street, Barrow-in-Furness, LA14 2LD.
  • The official deadline given by the council currently is 24/02/2024.  Responses submitted after that will still be accepted up until a decision is made.
  • You can also submit comments via the council’s website, but this function does not allow you to save your response in order to keep a record or to come back to it later, so bear in mind you have to do it all in one go if you use the council website to respond.  You may prefer to email or post your response.
  • If you live in the Furness area, copy-in your local MP,  Ward and/or Parish Councillor when you send your letter or email.

What to include in your response

We've created a template response which may help you with your submission.  You can download it below and use it as a basis for your own response to this planning application. Please read the guidance that follows as this will help in writing the most effective response. 

  • You do not have to live in or be from the area to make a response and there is no age restriction
  • Anonymous responses will NOT be accepted
  • Your response needs to be in your own words to be effective and to make sure it is clear to the Council that you have carefully considered and are aware of what you are commenting on and why, and so that it is not considered to be a duplicate response, so please do not copy and paste large portions of text from this template or anyone else’s response
  • The main aim of your objection letter is to explain why, in your view, the proposal does not meet local and national planning policies and therefore why it should be refused
  • Structure your response/group your points by topic, starting with the issues you consider to be most fundamental and working through to points of finer detail – you may find it helpful to look at examples of responses Friends of the Lake District has made to planning applications as a guide. View them here>
  • For each topic, state what your concern is, why it is a concern and give any examples or evidence eg. as well as stating that it will harm local character (the unique way the area looks and feels because of its particular characteristics), explain why, what this would mean in reality and for whom and give an example.
  • You do not have to mention every issue in your response – focus on those points you feel most strongly about and those that represent the greatest conflict with planning policies
  • Think about what the applicant might say to counter your concerns and aim to address these challenges when making your points
  • You can submit more than one response - if you think of another point later on that you wish to raise, you can send in additional responses
  • You may wish to state your relationship to the area and any relevant expertise or knowledge (are you a local resident, or do you visit regularly, work nearby etc)
  • Beware of common mistakes, for example, the site is not within an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty or Green. These are specific designations with specific planning policy restrictions and they do not apply in this case.
  • The Council has produced guidance on the types of issue that do and do not carry weight in the planning process – if you include any points that are not material planning considerations in your response these will not influence the decision, such as the view from your property being spoiled or the value of your property being affected.

You may wish to refer to:

BARROW LOCAL PLAN. This is the main document for considering development proposals

Watch Video instructions
You might find this recording of a discussion with members of the 'Save Roanhead' group helpful. Our Planning Officer outlines the process of submitting a response and gives advice on how to write the most effective content, running through the guidance information detailed below.  

Friends of the Lake District

The only membership organisation dedicated to protecting and enhancing Lake District and Cumbrian landscapes

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Banner image by Stuart McDougle