Welcome to our latest Postcard From the Lakes

Read it here: A Postcard from the Lakes - 2nd September 2022

Header image: 'Haystacks' by John Almond

We've been making the most of the clement weather in Cumbria for a visit to Gillside Wood, boasting some very 'green' credentials and completed an ambitious schedule of free events and activities during our Great Landscapes Festival.

In our guest video blog this week we feature Mary Breakell, a regular volunteer with us on our property workparties. Elsewhere in the postcard you'll see a feature on our land management work at High Borrowdale spanning 20 years. Our success and achievements are in large part down to the efforts of wonderful volunteers like Mary.

In other news, Friends volunteers join Fix the Fells for three days working on Martcrag Moor, we cover the Government's call for evidence on the impact of Holiday Lets on our communities and provide information on how you can have your say on the A66 Upgrade. 

Finally a reminder that bookings are open for our ‘What Future for the Cumbrian Uplands?’ live debate on Friday 14th October at Rheged near Penrith.

With our very best wishes, 

Friends of the Lake District

Read it here: A Postcard from the Lakes - 2nd September 2022

Header image: 'Haystacks' by John Almond

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