Welcome to our latest Postcard From the Lakes

Read it here: A Postcard from the Lakes - 14th October 2022

Header image: 'Buttermere' by Andrew Locking

Welcome to our latest Postcard From the Lakes. We are very concerned that the government seems to be considering loosening or removing legal protections for the environment, particularly in terms of creating 'Investment Zones' where current planning and environmental laws would be suspended. Read more below.

Our guest video this week comes from our policy officer Kate Willshaw who, with Laura Partington has been at the Campaign for National Parks conference in Snowdonia this week, meeting with many other national park societies and discussing how we can best protect our environment.

There's also lots of events coming up, with our Kirby Lecture discussion on the Future of the Fells tonight in Penrith, our volunteer Fell Care Day in the Westmorland Dales next Friday, the next Cumbria Dark Skies festival starting the following week and our next Great Cumbria Litter Pick in November.

There's some good news of grants available for septic tank owners in Windermere, and the first pinemartin in Cumbria for more than a decade has been caught on camera in Grizedale Forest!

With our very best wishes, 

Friends of the Lake District

Read it here: A Postcard from the Lakes - 14th October 2022

Header image: 'Buttermere' by Andrew Locking

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