Welcome to our latest Postcard From the Lakes

Read it here: A Postcard from the Lakes - 11th November 2022

Header image: 'Yewdale Beck' by Chris Burgess

Welcome to our latest Postcard From the Lakes. This week we've written to the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, Michael Gove, with 24 other environmental charities, to ask him to stop the UK's first new coal mine in over 30 years in Cumbria. The government have again put their decision date off for another month, until after the COP27 climate conference in Egypt. Read our blog about that below.

This week our Landscape Engagement Officer Kay Andrews talks about next week's Great Cumbrian Litter Pick over Friday and Saturday next week - anyone can take part either by registering your own community or individual litter pick. Kay will also be at Kendal Mountain Festival with Trash Free Trails - come and say hello at their stall.

Next Thursday evening is the Kendal Christmas Lights Switch On - and light will meet dark there as we’ll be holding a 30 minute lighting switch off in the Market Place, to demonstrate the importance of creating dark skies for the wellbeing of all, when our Dark Skies Officer Jack will talk about the Cumbria Dark Skies project and its aims of reducing light pollution, energy consumption and seeing more stars.

We're also recruiting for new trustees to join us and are looking for a range of different skills. We're especially keen to increase the diversity of our Board. Listen to Laura Doan, former Professor of Cultureal History at the University of Manchester talk about why she became a Friends trustee.

With our very best wishes, 
Friends of the Lake District

Read it here: A Postcard from the Lakes - 11th November 2022

Header image: 'Yewdale Beck' by Chris Burgess

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