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Author: Tristan Gooley

Tristan Gooley is a writer, navigator and explorer and above all else, curious and dogged in his pursuit of answers to what in isolation are insignificant details but as a whole deliver a deep understanding and appreciation of the nature that surrounds us; a sixth sense.

Through the description of 52 “keys” the author sets out to unlock your natural senses and help you to make deeper connections with nature that many of us, now distanced from nature, rarely experience.

In an accessible text you’ll be walked through ways to ways to develop the skills to enjoy nature in a more exciting and immersive way. There is guidance on sensing your direction from stars and plants (dogged and thorough in his pursuit of answers) forecasting the weather from the sounds of woodland or predicting the next move of an animal by observing its body language.

There is always something childish in the experience of reading one of Tristan Gooley’s books. It is the experience of reconnecting at a micro level with the environment around you, delving into the minutiae of nature and engaging all of your senses; childish in the sense that there is a return to the small and intricate world inhabited in youth before horizons expand and the noise and demands of life dampens the subtlety of our senses. But not all of us thankfully; Tristan retains his sense of wonder. His enthusiasm and knowledge are enough to convince even the most sceptical that these skills are not lost but merely dormant.

Reviewed by: Christopher James 

Publisher: Sceptre ISBN: 978-1473655904 

Available at www.amazon.co.uk/Wild-Signs-Star-Paths-beautifully/dp/1473655900

Hardback - £5.99