Rocks and Rain Reason and Romance Author: David Howe David Howe is a retired academic who has written books on psychology, relationships and social work. A keen walker, his latest book tells the story of the Lake District, a landscape that has inspired and bewitched him throughout his life. It is a book that encompasses a diversity of subject but always comes back to how its geological roots have shaped and formed its culture today. The book is rooted in the basic building blocks of geology which are layered with and linked to the writers, poets and some slightly lesser known characters who have had influence both within Cumbria and well beyond its borders. Some of the material will be familiar to many, but some of it less familiar ground. The narrative moves us from the Ice Age to the romantic poets without a beat which is no mean feat! All in all the book is a very readable and enjoyable trip that binds our natural and cultural heritage to deliver a coherent and fascinating delve into the past and glimpse into the future. Reviewed by: Andrew Tait Publisher: Saraband Paperback – RRP £9.99 Manage Cookie Preferences