Our Land>

In 2017 David Archibald, a long standing member and supporter, contacted us with the offer of a gift of two woods, Bull Coppice and Resp Haw Wood, running down the eastern side of the Rusland Valley. Further talks and visits to the woodlands with David since the initial offer have now culminated in the transfer of ownership to Friends of the Lake District. 

The two woods form a sizeable block of ancient semi natural woodland, and they are a significant part of the character of the valley. The woods are a delightful mix of oak, birch, ash, small leaved lime, holly and other native species. The ground flora includes bluebells, dog’s mercury, primroses and wood sorrel. 

A survey measuring the girth of tree trunks in 2023 (left) revealed some of the coppiced holly trees here are over 1000 years old.

We were delighted to add such magnificent woodland to our portfolio. We are proud that David saw Friends of the Lake District as an appropriate organisation in which to place his trust and privileged to be afforded the opportunity to care for and enhance these spectacular spaces. 

The woods include the presence of nationally important natural heritage features, geological and geomorphological features, wildlife and habitats. They are designated as being of outstanding scenic, historic and scientific interest and enjoy “open access”. 

We own and manage woodlands in Eskdale, Ambleside, Grasmere and Staveley and our experience and sympathetic management of woodland properties will ensure a healthy future for the Rusland woods and that they remain in common ownership.



Our Rusland Woods sit in the eastern side of the Rusland valley. The woodland is open access and can be entered along the public footpath off the Rusland Cross road or by the roadside gate (What3words: https://w3w.co/abstracts.flamenco.flap ).  Unfortunately there is no public transport to this site.

Litchen guide

Our woods are home to various litchens. Download a printable guide to what you might find here.