Our Land

In 2009, one of the commoners who use Little Asby Common offered to sell us three fields at Mazonwath. As the fields are adjacent to the common, and the sale included common rights, we felt that by buying the land we could protect the common and help the commoners with stock management. This in turn, could enable them to enter an agri-environment scheme whereby the common is managed in a more environmentally friendly way. 

Our achievements to date include:

  • Rebuilding of the majority of the external walls, including through hosting two Friends of the Lake District walling competitions.
  • A monthly programme of dry stone wall training for volunteers rebuilding the whole length of internal wall.
  • Land managed in an environmentally friendly way as part of a Higher Level Stewardship Scheme, including one field managed for breeding waders such as curlew and lapwing.
  • Individual tree planters erected to provide more tree cover and diversity as trees are sparse in this landscape.
  • Re-creation of 6.5ha of species-rich hay meadow.
  • All three fields designated as open-access land.

Virtual Tour

Pay a virtual visit to Mazonwath with an aerial 360 degree panorama which you can move around the property. Explore this limestone landscape, discover more about its history, our work on the site since its purchase in 2009, our achievements and our plans for the future to explore opportunities to enhance habitats within this farmed landscape.


Mazonwath adjoins Little Asby Common which enjoys Open Access at all times. It is situated about five miles east of Orton. It can be reached via the the C3070 from Raisebeck to Little Asby, or the C3074 from Newbiggin-on-Lune. The grid ref of the joining of these two roads is 090686 (OL19 Explorer map Howgill Fells). There are no direct bus services across the Common, but buses from Appleby and Kirkby Stephen may pass nearby.

Themed Guide

Download a printable guide to Upland Hay Meadows here.