Our Land

Little Asby Common is part of a high, tilted plateau of upland limestone common land that defines the Westmorland Dales landscape in Eastern Cumbria. Following a successful campaign by Friends of the Lake District in 2016, it was included in a major extension to the Yorkshire Dales National Park.

Our aim as owners is to enhance the common, its landscape and habitats for people, nature and climate, trial new things, share our management practices with others, and use our experience to inform our campaigning on land-use policy.

Friends of the Lake District is working with the commoners to enhance the character of this limestone landscape. The area is Open Access Land, so you are free to explore the site. Why not come and see some of the work we are doing? Come and explore this remarkable landscape.

Reasons to visit:

  • Investigate some of the 196 archaeology sites on the common
  • Enjoy a 360 degree view of the Lake District, Northern Howgills and Pennines
  • Enjoy the upland limestone pavement, a contrast to the Lake District area
  • Enjoy the regenerating heather (summer/autumn)
  • Enjoy the feelings of remoteness, wildness and tranquillity
  • Best time to visit: summer/autumn

Virtual Tour

Pay a virtual visit to Little Asby Common with an aerial 360 degree panorama which you can move around the property. Deep dive into key elements, find out about what we have done on the common and what secrets are hidden amidst this spectacular limestone landscape.

Property Leaflet

Download a printable guide to Little Abby Common here.


There is Open Access on the common at all times. it is situated about five miles east of Orton. It can be reached via the the C3070 from Raisebeck to Little Asby , or the C3074 from Newbiggin-on-Lune. The grid ref of the joining of these two roads is 090686 (OL19 Explorer map Howgill Fells). There are no direct bus services across the Common, but buses from Appleby and Kirkby Stephen may pass nearby.