Our Land

Mike’s Wood was created in appreciation of a former Friends of the Lake District Secretary, Mike Houston, in 1993. At the same time as we bought the field to create the wood, local member Anne Beddard bought the field to the south. She worked in conjunction with us to create a new woodland, and later generously donated this to Friends of the Lake District.

Under the overall name of Mike’s Wood this has given us a stunning native woodland which includes oak, alder, ash, birch, rowan, scots pine, hawthorn and juniper. We have created a footpath through the wood, linking into other routes and to Cumbria Wildlife Trust’s woodland nearby. The whole woodland is dedicated as open access land.

Download a Staveley Woodlands Walk Leaflet (pdf) here.

Reasons to visit:

  • 36 different bird species have been recorded in the wood, including the goldcrest, the UK’s smallest bird
  • You might also see red squirrels, pipistrelle and noctule bats, and tawny owls.
  • Lovely views out of the wood south towards Morecambe Bay
  • See conservation in action with the “dead hedging” around young hazel to keep the deer off!
  • Bluebells in the spring 
  • Visit any time of the year, for a great walk and maybe enjoy a coffee at WILFS cafe, Staveley, afterwards.

Virtual Tour

Pay a virtual visit to Mike's Wood with an aerial 360 degree panorama. Click on the pins to find out about its history, our work in the woodland, our achievements and our plans for the future of this wonderful little wood.


Mike’s Wood

Mike’s Wood is 1 mile from Staveley Village (What3words: https://w3w.co/egging.each.aced) There are several access points, see our virtual tour for more detail. The 555 bus stops at Staveley and the Kendal to Windermere train also stops in Staveley.

Litchen guide

Our woods are home to various litchens. Download a printable guide to what you might find here.