The Great Cumbrian Litter Pick

Friends of the Lake District want to make sure visitors are prepared this summer so they ‘leave no trace’ after their visit. Think about your litter when you plan your visit – Where will you eat? If you are planning a picnic, what will you do with your rubbish? Is there a bin nearby? What equipment are you taking? Is it needed? Will you be able to carry it for your whole walk?

Here are our top tips to make sure you leave no trace:

  • There are often no bins in the countryside, car parks or up on the top of the fells. If you don’t want to put your smelly or messy food packaging straight into your rucksack, carry a separate container for this rubbish whether it’s a reusable shopping bag, a dog poo bag or reusable container so anything you carry in, can be carried out.

  • Worried about where you can go to the loo? Visit Lake District shows where public toilets are in the National Park. Use dedicated toilet facilities or consider using a ‘Go Anywhere Waste Kit bag’ or ‘WAG bag’, biodegradable waste kits are available online or from some outdoor shops. 

  • Nature Wees - make sure any nature wees are at least 200ft / 60m (70 big paces) away from any water or trails.

  • Eat in one of Cumbria’s amazing local pubs or cafes? No rubbish, no mess, no fuss.

  • Having a picnic? Try reusable bottles and containers that you can use again and again. Much more cost effective and you won’t be contributing to the tonnes of single use plastic waste which makes up so much of litter found in the national park.

  • Most landowners don’t allow BBQs because of fire risk – enjoy a picnic or eat from one of the many local eateries instead.

  • Wild camping is not permitted in the Lake District without prior permission from the landowner, so why not try a dedicated campsite? The National Park Authority has more advice if you do have the landowner’s permission here:

  • Don’t forget even biodegradable bags and packaging need to be put in a bin or taken home with you. Did you know a single biodegradable dog poo bag can take between 1 year to hundreds of years to biodegrade depending on the material it is made from.

  • Nowhere to put stinky dog poo bags whilst you walk? You can buy specific carriers to put your dog poo bags in that are waterproof and airtight so no smells whilst you walk and then simply empty into a bin once you find one or easily carry home. 

Read more about what we are doing to tackle litter

Be a Friend of the Lake District – help C.A.R.E. for it whilst you’re here, and when you’re not.