Dark Skies CumbriaSaving Our Night Skies Cumbria's dark skies allow us to see the natural wonder of the stars, but are also critical for the health wildlife and our own natural well-being. Sadly light pollution in Cumbria is increasing each year, threatening to obscure our view of the stars and blinding and confusing animals so they can’t feed or find a mate. We need urgent action now to stop light pollution. Stargazers, photographers, wildlife lovers and local communities… please help. Or you can give by text to 70085. Just message DARKSKIES along with your chosen donation amount (eg DARKSKIES 5 to donate £5). Standard message rates apply. The Lake District and Cumbria offers some of the most spectacular and precious skyscapes in England and we want you to join us on an interstellar adventure. Download our Dark Sky Discovery Pack and get started today! Dark Skies Cumbria Dark Skies - Events and Activities Project News About Stargazing Tips Reducing Light Pollution Light Policy and Guidance Protecting Cumbria’s dark skies: new Dark Skies and wildlife friendly street lighting Cumbria County Council, Friends of the Lake District and Thorn Lighting UK are working together to install innovative new Dark Skies and wildlife friendly road and footway lighting across Cumbria. Combining our experience, knowledge, and taking on board research into the effects of lighting on wildlife and the wider environment, the new lighting delivers several benefits: reducing light pollution into the night sky; protecting wildlife active during darkness; saving energy, electricity costs and carbon emissions; making streets and paths safer to use; reducing glare making the lights more comfortable on people’s eye; helping residents get a better night’s sleep; and giving better views of the amazing array of stars. This short film features some of the projects we’ve done so far, in both rural and urban environments, supporting the Dark Skies Cumbria Project’s goal of reducing light pollution across Cumbria. Watch video> For further details on the NightTune lighting technology benefits, see: TLG_NightTune_White_Paper Manage Cookie Preferences