We're holding a fascinating talk in Ambleside this Friday, giving insight into the work of two local artists, photographer Rob Fraser and writer Harriet Fraser.

Rob’s stunning photography and Harriet’s evocative writing combine in this year’s Kirby Lecture, celebrating their love of the Cumbrian landscape and the inspiration it has on their work through a mix of their unique images, poetry and prose.

Our Kirby Lecture takes place this Friday, 13 October at 7pm at the Parish Centre in Ambleside.

It features and behind-the-scenes insights into projects exploring the natural and cultural heritage of Cumbria, including the ‘Long View’; two years with seven remarkably ordinary trees (exhibition currently running at Grizedale Forest).

(pictured) Harriet and Rob next to a newly constructed Treefold on Ltille Asby Common

Janine Bickerstaff, Friends of the Lake District,

“Harriet and Rob’s work and boundless enthusiasm provide inspiration and motivation for budding writers and photographers; for those who simply enjoy being out in the landscape of Cumbria and the Lake District, it leaves you thankful, as they are, for all that it offers us.”

Rob Fraser,

“I have always maintained that the best tool I carry around with me is not a camera (that comes a close second) – it is curiosity. I keep taking pictures because I am still curious. I keep pointing and I keep pressing the shutter. I am still loving the process of drawing with light. And I am still trying to show the wonder of the world as I see it.”

Harriet Fraser,

“I can’t remember not having a love of being outside, nor can I remember a time when being in a natural environment hasn’t made me feel rejuvenated. It’s essential for me in terms of my physical and emotional health, and also as fuel for my writing. Similarly, as far as I can remember, the urge to write has always been with me. It is a crucial part of who I am.”

Tickets are £10 and can be bought via this link or by calling 01539 720788.

For more information about Rob and Harriet’s work see: www.somewhere-nowhere.com and you can meet the seven trees at https://thelongview.today.