How to Apply Information and guidance on applications for our 'Discover Cumbria' grant and our 'Environmental Improvement Grant' (EIG) schemes. 'Discover Cumbria Grants 2017' Our 2017 'Discover Cumbria' events grant scheme is now open for applications. Who can apply? Constituted community groups, charities, not for profit organisations and schools. Individuals and businesses are not eligible. When can we apply? Anytime. We operate on a rolling basis How many times can we apply? We will consider only one application per organisation, but an application can cover more than one event. How much grant will be given? We have a limited pot of money, so grants will be limited to upto £500. We will only fund upto 75% of any event. We expect the other 25% to be made up of funding from other sources, or of in kind contributions, e.g. use of volunteers. What type of events/activities will be funded? The event or activity must provide an innovative opportunity for people and communities to get outside, discover and enjoy something new about the natural environment. By innovative, we mean something new or novel in terms of its content, approach, location, audience, etc. We will only fund events which are happening for the first time, or have a funding gap and will not go ahead without our funding. We will not fund events which will run anyway. As FLD is the main funder, your event must meet the aims of Friends of the Lake District to protect and enhance the landscape of Cumbria. We are particularly interested in events focusing on :- Landscape Flora and fauna, Land management Celebrating local events and cultural heritage Events/activities will be encouraged which increase understanding about the countryside/natural environment; encourage access to the countryside for everyone; give an opportunity for people to visit a place they would not normally go, and may contribute to health and wellbeing. Events must be free to attend for them to be eligible for this grant. Events/activities can be for local people or visitors, and we are particularly interested in those aimed at young people, older people, less abled people or others who may not normally go out in the countryside. When does the event (s)/activity have to run? Anytime in 2017 Where does the event (s)/activity have to take place? Anywhere in Cumbria and the audience can be Cumbrians and/or visitors. What will the grant cover? Staff time, transport, materials, publicity. Click here for detailed application guidance (pdf) Click here to download a grant application form (Word document) View some of the events that received funding in 2016 If you are interested in applying for a Discover Cumbria grant or require more information, please contact Jan Darrall at [email protected] or call on 01539 720788. Environmental Improvement Grant (EIG) Over the past 80 years Friends of the Lake District has contributed towards more than 600 environmental projects throughout Cumbria, from school nature areas to major woodland creation projects, through our Environmental Improvement Grant scheme. To browse through the grants we have awarded to see the kind of projects that we may support please click here. The main types of project we have grant-aided include: Hedgerows: includes planting, laying and restoration Walls: building new walls, restoration and repair of dry stone walls Tree planting and woodlands: tree planting in woodlands, gardens, greens, schools etc as well as woodland regeneration and restoration (including planting native plant species) Path/Access/Bridges: includes repairs, new pathways and bridges, access for all and gate repair and renewal Wildlife Gardens: includes sensory, environmental awareness and community gardens, though the bulk is in school grounds Heritage features: includes restoration of features such as pumps, wells, cobbles,highway signs, stained-glass windows and includes restoration of listed buildings or ancient monuments etc. Land purchases: for other conservation and community organisations. Landscape restoration and enhancement: enhancement to landscape areas such as bogs and moors, also village greens, ponds, millennium gardens, play areas, other village areas and common land Interpretation/Local Design (eg. Parish Maps, Design Statements): information leaflets,information maps, development of Parish Plans etc. Sustainability Projects: recycling schemes and renewable energy projects Click here for more information and application guidance (pdf) Manage Cookie Preferences