Planning and Campaigning Appeal Every year our Lake District is threatened by bigger and bolder developments. Your donations and support make our work possible and ensure that the fells, tarns, flora, fauna and everything within these magnificent landscapes are protected and enhanced for the benefit of the majority, not the profit of the few. We’re currently working on an application at Brandlehow, at the foot of Catbells, where a traditional Lakeland cottage is planned to be demolished and replaced with a very different and larger structure, out of character with the area. Many of you will know this property as it sits on the shore of Derwentwater alongside the lake circuit footpath and the Cumbria Way, near the ‘Teddy in the Window’ landmark. Historic Brandlehow Cottage Dwelling to replace it We are particularly concerned about this application for a number of reasons including the loss of the historic property itself but also impacts on views and the character of the area, access, wildlife, and the mining heritage. Donate today to help protect iconic Lake District landscapes and features like these. DONATE BUTTON There are many other concerning applications just over the horizon that we already know about, such as the ‘cavern coaster’ and zip-wire at Elterwater quarry, but undoubtedly many more that we are unaware of. As the zip-wire applications in Thirlmere and Honister have proved, however conflicting with National Park purposes they may seem, there is a huge risk that one of these proposals will be approved and forever tarnish the landscape and people’s enjoyment of it. From car parks to housing estates, chairlifts and luge tracks, there seems to be an incessant flow of diverse, demanding and often eye-watering proposals and we rarely receive any advance notification of applications and so must be ready to respond quickly. Due to the nature and complexity of the work we are incredibly lucky to have highly skilled and dedicated staff representing all of our interests and helping us to understand when and how to act. Together, we can continue to fight developments that threaten these magnificent landscapes. Please consider donating to our Planning and Campaigning Appeal today. Thank you. DONATE BUTTON Read more about our planning and campaigning work here