Our Chief Executive Douglas Chalmers gave a talk at the Words by the Water Festival on Tuesday 8th March. It was a coup for us at Friends of the Lake District as it was the first time in the history of the festival that an organisation has been invited to talk about its work; the event historically being for authors with publications to discuss and promote.

The presentation, titled "Protecting Cumbria’s Landscapes", the The Words by the Water brochure introduction gives a flavour of the topics covered:

”The craggy slopes beyond Derwent Water paint a timeless scene but does this mean permanent? Landscape doesn’t simply “exist”; in fact much is under threat from erosion, wind farms, light pollution and vast pylons. Friends of the Lake District Director Douglas Chalmers asks if the district faces a slide into decline.”

We're pleased to say that the talk was very well received and followed by an engaging Question and Answer session which gave the audience an opportunity to have questions heard and answered by Douglas.


It was a very positive and engaging evening and we have high hopes that it is something that we can repeat. We'd like to extend our thanks to all of those who attended and to the organisers of the Words by the Water event for giving us the opportunity to share our passion and talk about our work.
