Westmorland Dales Landscape Partnership

The Westmorland Dales Landscape Partnership Scheme ran from March 2019 to February 2024. Its vision was to unlock and reveal the hidden heritage of the Westmorland Dales, enabling more people to connect with, enjoy and benefit from this inspirational landscape. 

Download the Westmorland Dales Landscape Partnership Scheme Summary Report for an overview of the Scheme's successes.


Welcome …

… to the Westmorland Dales website.

The Westmorland Dales Landscape Partnership Scheme aimed to unlock and reveal the hidden heritage of the Westmorland Dales, enabling more people to connect with, enjoy and benefit from this inspirational landscape. Specifically, its objectives were to:

  • Reveal the area’s hidden heritage.
  • Conserve what makes the area special.
  • Engage people in enjoying and benefitting from their heritage.
  • Sustain the benefits of the scheme in the long-term.

This was achieved through a programme of projects developed and delivered through the Westmorland Dales Landscape Partnership, led by Friends of the Lake District and the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority, and mainly funded through the National Lottery Heritage Fund. It ran over a five-year period from March 2019 to February 2024.

Here you can discover what makes the area so special, find out about the scheme’s projects, and view and download resources produced.

The Westmorland Dales

The Westmorland Dales is a beautiful area of Cumbria lying  north of the Howgill Fells and within the north-west corner of the Yorkshire Dales National Park. It stretches from Tebay in the south-west to Kirkby Stephen in the east and to Maulds Meaburn in the north-west. At its heart are the limestone fells above Orton and Asby, rich in natural and cultural heritage, and with magnificent views to the Pennines, the Howgills and the Lakeland fells. It drains into the Lune river catchment to the south and the Eden river catchment to the north. Relatively overlooked compared with its better-known neighbours, our projects have aimed to reveal its heritage for more to enjoy without detracting from its unique qualities. (Click on map for larger image)

Contact information

Friends of the Lake District
Murley Moss, Oxenholme Road, Kendal, Cumbria LA9 7SS
Main Telephone:  01539 720788
Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority
Yoredale, Bainbridge, Leyburn, North Yorkshire DL8 3EL
Main Telephone:  01969 652300

The latest news and events from the brilliant team at the Westmorland Dales Landscape Partnership Scheme.

Read it here>

"Well it’s certainly starting to feel a bit more autumnal here at Tebay, where once or twice over the summer it was actually a relief to return to the cool of our offices. Although it wasn’t a normal summer, with many events cancelled, we did have a reasonably full programme of walks and other activities to get us out and about. We enjoyed our day at Great Asby in July with a series of walks exploring the village itself and the surrounding countryside, ably assisted by Keith Cooper. Earlier in the summer Nicola also led a series of sound walks with sound artist Dan Fox resulting in some remarkable recordings. And we’ve continued to run a series of online webinars, the recordings of which are available through our website.  Amanda’s been busy too, consulting villages over interpretation and developing a leaflet and orientation boards to promote the Westmorland Dales.

"Now we have the autumn to look forward to, not least in welcoming our new group of four apprentices Libby Firby-Fisk, James Renwick-Smith, James Taylor and Sam Barden who will be with us, under Belinda’s expert supervision, until February 2023. So you can expect to see some new faces working on a range of different projects and featuring on our Instagram account. One of their first tasks has been helping out on our Through the Keyhole project at Little Asby Common, one of the projects being coordinated by Hannah, with keyhole excavations dug by volunteers under the direction of Oxford Archaeology North.

"Other projects, delayed by the pandemic, will be starting to gather momentum too including a major natural flood management /river restoration project near Crosby Ravensworth led by Eden Rivers Trust. And if you’re interested in geology why not find one of the new Earthcaches developed by Audrey Brown from Cumbria GeoConservation and see whether you can answer any of the questions".

David Evans, Scheme Manager
September 2021

In this edition

  • Welcome to our Newsletter
  • Little Asby Through the Keyhole
  • Autumn Webinars
  • Westmorland Show 2021
  • Railway Families in Westmorland
  • Earth Caches
  • Wild Play Days At Jubilee Park
  • Consultation Displays
  • Westmorland Dales Walks
  • Dementia Friendly Walks For All
  • Love Your Landscape Grants

Read it here>

Pictured in banner: Upper Eden Community Interest Company working with Debbie North, who you may have heard recently on Clare Balding’s Ramblings, is producing a film called Accessible Westmorland Dales, aimed at encouraging those with a disability or a long term illness to get outside in the local area and enjoy its heritage and the health benefits.