We're running a series of specialist subject summer training events for people willing to help us survey our land on sites across Cumbria. 

The training is designed to give volunteers the skills to identify and survey a range of flora and fauna. Expert tuition will be provided on bird identification, moths, butterflies, trees, hay meadow flowers, right down to the miniscule world of lichens and mosses. 

You do not need to be a current Friends of the Lake District member or volunteer and opportunities for training are on offer at multiple locations across the county. 

Jan Darrall, Land Manager said: 

“This is a great opportunity to learn more about Cumbria’s flora and fauna. We want to make use of the expertise gained on these training events by asking that people volunteer to help us survey our properties over the next few years. 

“The information we gather will provide us with a vital record or the species present and help us to build a picture of the changing landscape over time, whether that is down to the wider impact of changes in our climate or more localised farming and land management practices in Cumbria.” 

Participants will need to commit to helping the charity survey its properties over the next few years. 

You’ll need to book places to attend the training via the link as training places are limited. For dates, locations, information and online booking options, visit:  
