Landscape conservation charity Friends of the Lake District has announced as Ambassador for its Great Cumbrian Litter Pick 2019; TV presenter, explorer, public speaker, polar guide – and local Cumbrian resident – Paul Rose.

Paul, whose acclaimed BBC series, The Lakes, recently aired, is no stranger to the issue of litter and plastics in our environment.  Having travelled the world he has seen this global problem at first hand. And now he is taking a local interest in helping to clean up Cumbria.

The first Great Cumbrian Litter Pick last year saw over 1,300 people taking part in over 60 litter picks right across Cumbria from Whitehaven to Sedbergh; Millom to Carlisle with communities, schools and volunteers collecting over 350 bags of rubbish.

Paul said, “We all know that waste is an enormous global problem and even on my expeditions to the most remote places on the planet we find waste. Whether that’s deep in the ocean or on tiny Arctic islands, we’re finding waste.

“I’m often asked, well what can we actually do about it? Well you can’t go wrong with looking after an area you know and love, just like beautiful Cumbria.

“So please join us on 26th and 27th April for the Great Cumbrian Litter Pick. It’s organised by Friends of the Lake District and you can go on the website and see that there’s plenty of events you can join or you can event start your own, and you’ll get support to do that.

“I’ll be there, so let’s do a really great job on the 26th and 27th April and who knows, maybe we’ll do such a brilliant job and set such a high example that we’ll never have to do it again. See you there.”

Friends of the Lake District is asking every parish, school and organisation in Cumbria to get involved to make this a really high profile and well-supported day and show the rest of the UK how proud we are of our county.

There will be a draw with a prize of £500 each for one community and one school who takes part, to be spent on environmental improvement or enhancement in your local area or school.

For full details of The Great Cumbrian Litter Pick and how to get involved go to where Paul has also recorded a video message. For more information contact [email protected]