Professional and amateur hedge layers from across the north of England will once again be testing their skills at Friends of the Lake District’s Annual Hedge-laying Competition on Saturday 11th March.

The competition, which is in the Westmorland and Lancashire style, takes place at Low Sizergh Farm near Kendal. The competition is part of the Westmorland and Lancashire Grand Prix series of events to find the best hedge-layers.

Friends of the Lake District organiser Kay Andrews said: ‘This event brings together some of the most skilled and experienced hedge-layers with novices who are looking to learn and improve their technique. This year we’re also running training alongside the competition led by one of the country’s top hedge layers, Peter Gibson, several times winner of the National Hedge Laying Championships and voted the best ‘Supreme’ hedge layer three times.

‘Our hedgerows are a vital network for wildlife, sequester carbon, help prevent flooding as well as making the field stock proof for the farmer. The competition is a great event to not only showcase this incredible heritage skill but to encourage others to learn and carry on this vital work while raising the profile of the importance of hedgerows.” 

The competition runs from 9am to 3pm, on Saturday 11th March at Low Sizergh Barn, Kendal LA8 8AE. The competition makes an interesting spectator sport and everyone is very welcome to come along to watch and learn more about this traditional rural craft.

Friends of the Lake District’s Hedgelaying competition started in 1977 and has run every year since, except in 2021, due to the pandemic. 

To find out more or book a place on the competition or training, please contact: [email protected]  or call 01539 720788, or see our Hedgelaying Competition Events page