Help National Grid prioritise the environment Help shape National Grid’s priorities – tell them that the environment is important to you Despite our success at stopping National Grid running huge pylons across the Lake District National Park, the battle is not over - we need your help again. National Grid is running a consultation on what their priorities should be. It runs until 25th August. According to National Grid, this consultation aims to gather the opinions of partners and the public, establish priorities, shape the topics of National Grid’s future engagement, and start the process of incorporating the views of the public into their business plans. Topics being consulted on are: Reliability of the Transmission network Future role of Transmission Connections to our network The environment and their work with communities National Grid carried out workshops on environmental topics in July. The headline message on landscape issues was apparently that “Mitigating the visual impact of our assets is seen as less of a priority for the majority, although opinions are polarized on that topic”. It is clearly important to ensure that National Grid are aware of the strong level of support that exists for the work to reduce the visual impact of pylons and wires, on landscape and communities so I would encourage you to respond to the consultation. It is split into four sections and you can choose to answer only the questions on the environment if you wish so it should take no more than a couple of minutes to respond. The survey can be found here. More information about National Grid’s thinking on environment and communities can be found here. There is a week left before the consultation closes. Please make your voice heard, and tell National Grid that the environment is important to you. Manage Cookie Preferences