A survey about transport and travelling in the Lake District has just been launched and is now LIVE online.

We hope as many people as possible will share their views about how they find travelling around the Lake District and whether there are better ways of getting around the National Park. The survey contains space for people to respond in their own words, so if you have any suggestions about what you like, what’s frustrating and of how you think things could be made better, please fill it in. The more answers, the easier it will be to develop a better strategy for moving around the Lake District. 

The survey starts from the perspective that transport system change in the Lake District is necessary, due to the frustrations of visitors and locals, carrying capacity of the services, and the longer term impact on the environment that locals and visitors value so highly. This questionnaire forms part of a wider research programme, the results of which will be used to inform Lake District National Park Partnership policy development on sustainable travel and transport. 

The survey ran until 30 June and has now closed.