Landscape charity, Friends of the Lake District, is celebrating its 85th birthday this year. Back in 1934, at a time when concern was being raised over the potential for damage from development to the important and much-loved landscapes of the Lake District, founder Rev H. H. Symonds urged the need for “some thoroughly national group of Friends of the Lake District to supply the emotional impetus without which skill and knowledge win no victories”.

In 1934 the organisation was launched, following a rally at Fitz Park in Keswick, (see original poster below) single minded in its aim to establish a Lake District National Park. 

Douglas Chalmers, Chief Executive said: “Friends of the Lake District may be 85 but we’re looking forward more than we’re looking back. Of course we’re proud of our achievements, and very aware of what the Lake District and Cumbria might look like today if it wasn’t for our efforts, but we have more work to do, and the need for us is greater than at any time in our history. We recognise that we work in the name of our members, and together our emotional impetus, skill and knowledge will still win victories.”

The public and members are being invited to join in a year of celebrations, events and exhibitions to mark the milestone and to learn and understand more about the significant achievements and enviable record of Friends of the Lake District over the past 85 years.

Details of how to get involved and find out more will be available throughout the year on our website. Check our events page here.