The flood damaged landscapes around Keswick are set to receive some TLC at the Keswick Mountain Festival on Saturday 21st May thanks to our first mass-volunteering Fell Care Day being held as part of the Festival.

Project Officer Ruth Kirk said,

“We are now into the 6th year of running our hugely popular Fell Care Days which bring people together from all ages and walks of life to take part in range of practical conservation activities. Keswick Mountain Festival were incredibly receptive to the idea of incorporating the event into their schedule as they recognise the value the stunning Lake District landscape has for providing outdoor fun and recreation.  With the terrible floods Cumbria experienced this winter, particularly in Keswick there is a huge amount of work to be done to heal and restore our beloved landscapes. There’s never been a more urgent need for your help in volunteering.”

Visitors attending the Festival can choose to take part from a range of tasks including a canoe based litter pick on Derwentwater, dry stone walling training, a lake clean up around Bassenthwaite, path patching at Friars Crag and upland path maintenance with the Fix the Fells teams (including a trip to site on Keswick Launches).

The Fell Care Day is being sponsored by University of Cumbria. Professor Peter Strike, Vice Chancellor said,

"We're very pleased to be sponsoring the Friends of the Lake District Fell Care Day at this year's Keswick Mountain Festival. There's never been a more important time for our communities to pull together to conserve and protect the remarkable Cumbrian landscape around us.  As the largest provider of Outdoor Study degrees in the UK, the University of Cumbria passionately supports the Festival's message of an outdoors for everyone, now and for generations to come."

Places on activities can be booked on a first come first served basis by visiting the KMF website:

or on our website :

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