Friends of the Lake District held its Great Cumbrian Litter Pick on 21st and 22nd April and some amazing results are still rolling in. 

Groups and individuals from across Cumbria took part, from Carlisle to St Bees, the fell top of Scafell, to the shores and becks of Ullswater and Windermere and right down to the Duddon valley. 270 volunteers filled 90 big bin bags and with many more groups still to report back, it’s been another incredible effort by volunteers.

The annual event, organised by the landscape charity, brings together schools, community groups, organisations, and businesses to highlight the problems of littering and the huge amount of voluntary work that goes into keeping Cumbria clean.

Kay Andrews, Landscape Engagement Officer said:

“The Great Cumbrian Litter Pick takes place over two days, but many of the people who took part are regularly out litter picking, whether that’s through a litter picking group, work, school or individually, communities are constantly tidying up after others.

“At the end of 2020, we commissioned Keep Britain Tidy to undertake research looking into why people litter and recommending interventions that we can trial to influence behaviour change.

“This has resulted in different messaging being trialled on bins and social media by various partners and landowners in the Lake District National Park such as ‘Last Litter Bin’ signage being used near the start of busy walking routes.

“There are no quick and easy solution to the litter problem but while we work on ways to educate and communicate more widely and effectively to change behaviours. These volunteers are carrying out a vital task whilst helping to spread the message of LEAVE NO TRACE. I hope one day they won’t have to!

“Thanks to all who got involved and to those of you who continue to tidy up our county year-round.”