Our Chief Executive, Douglas Chalmers has this week announced his decision to leave Friends of the Lake District later this year to spend more time with family and to pursue other interests. Douglas has achieved an enormous amount during his seven years as Chief Executive and leaves us in a strong position in what is a vibrant and exciting time for the charity. He will be greatly missed by staff, trustees, membership and supporters whom he has so ably and forthrightly represented and supported in his time with us at Friends of the Lake District.

18th March 2022

“I can announce that I have decided to leave Friends of the Lake District later this year. This has obviously been a hard decision, but I now want more time for family and other interests. I also believe that this is a good time for Friends of the Lake District. I have been Chief Executive for seven years which is a long time to lead a charity, but it is in good heart with a tremendous team of good people which will continue with its valuable and effective work. 

“I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here, and have been fortunate to have been part of some of Friends of the Lake District’s major achievements. I have also had the pleasure of working with informed and passionate people throughout the organisation and its membership who all have the interests of the landscapes of the Lake District and Cumbria at heart”.

With very best wishes,

Douglas Chalmers, Chief Executive