Landscape charity Friends of the Lake District’s 2023 photography competition has produced another bumper crop of stunning images of Cumbria and the Lake District. 

This year the charity has received more than 600 photos, sent in by members of the public hoping to feature in its 2023 Christmas card collection and 2024 calendar.

June Calendar image:  Warnscale Bothy by Mark Hetherington

July image:  Stickle Tarn by Lewis Thompson

Michael Hill, Chief Executive at Friends of the Lake District, said:

“We’ve again been overwhelmed by the response to this year’s competition.  It’s great to see all the fabulous shots people have taken of this stunning landscape.  Picking the winners is always a difficult task, and this year was really hard as the standard was so good.  We'd like to say a huge thank you to everyone who took part and can’t wait to see the winning entries on our Christmas cards and calendars this autumn.”

Calendar images include views of Crummock Water, Buttermere, Grasmere, Langdale, Rydal, Haystacks, Holme Fell and Stickle Tarn.  The charity’s Christmas cards and calendars are available to order now from our online shop 

See all the winning photos on our website

All money raised from the sale of the cards and calendars goes towards supporting the Lake District and Cumbria’s world class landscapes and heritage.

Banner image above:  April Calendar image Char Hut Buttermere by Fred Bell