Land Manager's Diary: Read it here>

BOOK onto one our upcoming workparties>

Tuesday was a stunningly beautiful Lake District day, the fresh snow glinting after the frost and the sun turning all the colours technicolour. We now know a lot more about how being outside helps us with our mental health and feelings of wellbeing. Yesterday on our workparty at High Borrowdale this was obvious as we all basked in the sunshine and after the horrid wetness of the last month, we were like flowers opening their petals!

Pictured: Sunshine above High Borrowdale

Spirits were high and we had a fantastic day. With temperatures of -5, you would think it was not a good day to be tree planting as young trees need their roots to be protected from the cold. However, once at High Borrowdale thanks to the excellent driving of the Office truck down the icy track by Charles, the south facing slopes were basking in sunshine and the area we chose to plant in was warm and you could feel the warmth in the soil.

Pictured: Workparty regular 'Tiggy' on the drive along the icy track

We were joined by Craig and Scott who had come down to help us plant some trees in memory of their brother/uncle who sadly died suddenly last year. We are very grateful for their support and it was fantastic to have them for the day and share some of our passion for the site with them. 

Pictured: Craig and Scott tree planting

Next week is a big push to get as many of the tree tubes off in Gillside Wood at Grasmere as possible. No skills are needed, just energy, so if you can join us, that would be appreciated. You can book here>