Landscape Grants – guidance 2018

Friends of the Lake District’s Environmental Improvement Grant or Landscape Grant Fund has been running for many years and funds small scale projects and works that will conserve and enhance the landscape (and within that flora and fauna, cultural heritage), connect people with it and aid their enjoyment of it. Projects must demonstrate a clear and positive benefit to the landscape of Cumbria.

Support is open to charitable organisations, voluntary and community groups, schools, social enterprises and local councils or conservation agencies.

There are no application deadlines as the grant is open all year round.


In order to be eligible for a grant, your project must:

  • Be located within the Lake District and Cumbria;
  • Meet Friends of the Lake District’s primary aim of conserving and enhancing the landscape of the Lake District and Cumbria, and/or
  • Enable people to connect with/enjoy the landscape.
  • Be accessible to the public.
  • You or your organisation must have a bank account and formal terms of reference.
  • Demonstrate some match funding – either cash or in kind (time, equipment, etc).
  • Be able to fit one or more of our themes or priorities listed below.
  • Show clear legacy in the long term, in relation to how it will be maintained and resourced, and how it will ensure future protection and enhancement of the local landscape.
  • Have consent of the landowner and relevant permissions if needed, eg planning.
  • Acknowledge the support of Friends of the Lake District in all promotion and publicity (evidence needed).

What will the grant fund? 

Our grants in the past have covered broad areas. The most important thing is that they must contribute to the landscape and its enjoyment in some way. We are interested in projects that:

  • improve or enhance the landscape, flora, fauna and cultural heritage of Cumbria
  • research, restore, raise awareness of cultural or historic features or assets
  • improve opportunities for people to connect with the landscape, access and enjoy the area, especially for those who may not otherwise have the opportunity to do so, or projects to improve health and wellbeing in the outdoors
  • research, interpret, celebrate or raise awareness of the special qualities of the area in a sensitive and appropriate manner
  • promote participation in traditional rural skills
  • involve the local community or volunteers
  • make the county and its communities more sustainable so there are less landscape impacts.


Projects may include:

  • Hedgerows: includes planting, laying and maintenance
  • Walls: renewal and repair of dry-stone walls, new walls instead of fences, etc
  • Tree planting & woodlands: native tree planting in woodlands, public spaces, schools etc as well as conversion from coniferous to native broadleaved; initial moves to more active woodland management.
  • Path/Access/Bridges: includes repairs, new pathways, disability access and new access gates.
  • Landscape and wildlife gardens: includes sensory, environmental awareness and community gardens.
  • Cultural heritage features: includes restoration of features such as pumps, wells, cobbles, limekilns, cast iron signposts, pinfolds, etc.
  • Landscape restoration and enhancement: enhancement to landscape areas such as bogs and moors, coastal areas, woodland (see above), village greens, ponds, other village areas, common land, with benefits to flora and fauna.
  • Interpretation/Local Design (eg. Parish Maps, Design Statements): information leaflets, information maps, apps, development of Parish Plans etc to create greater understanding of the area.
  • Sustainability Projects, eg small scale hydro, biomass.
  • Climate change mitigation projects, eg tree planting, habitat restoration.
  • Events : informative events, walks, displays, etc which connect people to the landscape in some way, improve health and wellbeing and knowledge about landscape.

We will not fund:

  • Individual applicants.
  • Applicants with no bank account or formal terms of reference.
  • Core costs such as staff time, office rent and equipment, etc.
  • Works on private land where there is no public access
  • Retrospective works.
  • Ongoing maintenance, eg grass cutting
  • Village halls or other community buildings unless clear cultural heritage significance.
  • Applicants who have a bad track record
  • Projects or applicants which conflict with FLD policy principles, eg permanent fell fencing, infrastructure in the open countryside, large scale development.
  • Grants for land purchase by other organisations
  • Non cast iron signposts.
  • Children’s playgrounds.
  • Grants for a repeat project, eg extension of a project already funded.
  • Projects eligible for funding from public sources, eg Countryside Stewardship.
  • Capital purchases for equipment outwith a wider or linked project.


Grant awards will normally be in the range of £100 -£2000.

We will require applicants to have some form of match funding – cash or volunteer time.

You will be required to sign a Grants Acceptance Agreement stating that your project will meet Friends of the Lake District's aims of protecting and enhancing the landscape and access to it and outlining the terms and conditions of your grant. For larger or longer-term grants, reports will also be required at key milestone points.

Payments will be made on completion of the project and satisfactory completion of a project reporting form, evidence of promotion, etc.

We reserve the right to reclaim grant monies if the project is not carried out as agreed.

Applying for a grant

You'll need to download and complete an application form. If you’d like to discuss your project before completing the form please do not hesitate to contact us for an informal chat. Speak to Jan Darrall on 01539 720788 or email [email protected]


Additional information:

Download Friends of the Lake District Landscape Grant Fund – guidance 2018 (Word document)

Download Reporting Template (for completion and submission at the end of your project)