We ask the new councillors to take the protection and enhancement of the natural environment into account in decision-making processes.

We ask you to protect sites and habitats by:

  • Actively supporting and contributing to the Cumbria Local Nature Partnership in order to create, restore and enhance habitats across the county in order to increase wildlife and sequester carbon.
  • Supporting the Cumbria Biodiversity Data Centre
  • Ensuring that land the new authority owns and/or manages is managed for the maximum biodiversity gain
  • Ensuring that public realm works, local plans and planning decisions incorporate the principles of green infrastructure
  • Using the Cumbria County Council Roadside Verge database to ensure that roadside verges are managed for their unique flora
  • As there is more pressure on the landscape for tree planting we ask new authority members to support native, broadleaf woodlands and tree planting where it enhances landscape character.
  • Native woodlands are more biodiverse and will be more resilient to climate change than woodlands with non-native, conifer species. We ask new authority members recognise the value of our native woodlands for helping to combat climate change and for the societal benefits they provide.
  • We ask that new councillors advocate for the removal of non-native conifer species from the landscape to increase biodiversity, enhance landscape character and ensure landscape resilience.