Water Cumbria has a huge number of lakes, tarns, rivers and streams, all of which add to the beauty of the landscape. The County also supplies a lot of NW England with its drinking water supply making our lakes an important national resource. Pressure on waterbodies includes pollution from sewage effluent and agricultural runoff, inappropriate recreational use, flooding erosion and over abstraction for water supply. The waterbodies of Cumbria are used recreationally by millions of people every year attracting both local people and visitors and supporting numerous businesses. The rise in these activities means it is more important than ever that rivers, lakes and streams are kept clean and free of pollution. Water saving measures should be incorporated into local authority properties and be promoted through planning decisions and local plans. Whilst Cumbria appears to have an abundance of water, water conservation reduces the energy needed to process raw water and reduces water use, helping to tackle low reservoir levels in times of drought. As Local Flood Authorities, the two new authorities will need to continue to work through Cumbria Strategic Flood Partnership with upland landowners, Internal Drainage Boards, Rivers Trusts and other land managers and agencies in order to look at ways of reducing downstream flooding from high impact rainfall and storm events in towns and villages in Cumbria. This is particularly important in light of the severe flooding events that have taken place in the county over the last 15 years. Continue to engage in the Northwest Shoreline Management Plan process Manage Cookie Preferences