We strongly encourage you to travel by public transport if at all possible. Ulverston is very well served by buses and trains; the choice of venue was made with this in mind.  

The Coronation Hall is 5 mins from bus stops and the train station.  If you have time whilst waiting for transport, Ulverston town centre has a lovely range of independent shops and cafes – definitely worth a visit.


Bus X6 Barrow – Dalton – Ulverston – Newby Bridge – Grange-over-Sands – Kendal


Bus 6 Windermere – Newby Bridge – Ulverston – Barrow


Bus X12 Coniston – Torver – Greenodd – Ulverston



Trains available (direct in many cases) from any stops on the west coast of Cumbria as far north as Carlisle and from all stops between Ulverston and Manchester airport – including Lancaster (for intercity connections).


Oxenholme station: Trains arrive at Oxenholme from Edinburgh, Glasgow, London, Manchester and Liverpool. We can offer a minibus shuttle service from/to Oxenholme station. Please let us know if you would be interested in this. 

Community Transport

Where scheduled services are not available, please consider using community travel schemes. 

The Village Wheels service will get people into Ulverston from some of the Furness villages by 10am on a Friday https://cumbria.gov.uk/elibrary/Content/Internet/544/6320/6508/4219581354.pdf 

Alternatively, if you know of other members locally who may be coming to the AGM, please consider car sharing. 

Car Parking

There is no car park at the Coronation Hall.  If you require disabled parking, please let us know. For those travelling by car, details on car parking in Ulverston can be found using the following link:
