Thirlmere to West Cumbria pipeline 10th December 2018 National Policy Statement for Water Resources Infrastructure We have submitted our response to the Consultation on the draft National Policy Statement for Water Resources Infrastructure. For details of the consultation and our response, see: 10th October 2017 United untilities have submitted an application for 10 amendments to the approved scheme, this includes route realignment in the Naddle Valley and a tunnel at Castlerigg as well as increases in working areas. We are currently assessing these proposals and will make any necessary representations to the LDNPA. 31st May 2016We have now submitted our response to this major 100km pipeline. We have not objected to the principle of the development but we have raised a number of objections based on specific detailed parts of the application. These issues include: Landscape impacts (with a particular focus on the most sensitive areas of the scheme). Siting of permanent associated infrastructure such as kiosks and valves Siting of laydown area/compounds Water Treatment Works Removal of redundant assets should the scheme be approved Reinstatement Access Compensatory Planting and community funds. Where possible we have suggested appropriate conditions to be attached should permission be granted. These conditions would ensure suitable mitigation against detrimental impacts. If you would like any further information about our submission then please contact our Planning Officer, Laura Fiske at [email protected] 25th February 2016United Utilities have submitted their planning application for this major 100km pipeline and environmental information is to follow shortly. We will be scrutinising the plans and proposed restoration conditions over the coming months. 15th July 2015United Utilities are working up their plans for a 100km new water pipeline to take water from Thirlmere to West Cumbria. We will be consulted shortly on the new route and are looking to ensure that the pipeline will have minimum landscape and access impacts, especially when operational in 2022. More information: : [email protected] Manage Cookie Preferences