Sustainable Transport Getting around the county needs to be made easier for those who do not have a car or who do not want to use a car. Reducing the number of car journeys taken whilst maintaining and improving accessibility to places within the county will have enormous benefits for environmental quality, people’s health and wellbeing and for businesses in Cumbria. Improving transport choices will increase access for everyone whilst reducing air pollution and carbon emissions. Buses should be subsidised (Cumbria is currently the only local authority in England that does not subsidise routes) in order to provide services to more of our communities. Services should ensure people to get to and from work on time and to also provide car-free access for visitors to Cumbria in order to reduce congestion, carbon emissions and air pollution and increase accessibility for those who don’t have access to a private car, both residents and visitors. Active travel solutions must be sought for congestion in towns and villages in the Cumbria (including those in the Lake District National Park). New roads are not the answer here, but better in-town active transport options for those walking and using bikes and electric bikes. The new authorities should lobby for better rail services on both the main and branch lines in the county. Manage Cookie Preferences