What projects will you run? Our projects are grouped into three areas of work broadly relating to the themes of natural heritage (6 projects), cultural heritage (10 projects) and connecting heritage (6 projects). They will be delivered by a range of organisations working in partnership with landowners, volunteers, community groups and others. Natural heritage Revealing the Foundations – The designation and conservation of key geological sites throughout the Westmorland Dales, the interpretation of its geology through a range of media, and engagement with schools and the wider public. Conserving Species-rich Grasslands – The conservation of species-rich grassland in the Westmorland Dales area of the Yorkshire Dales National Park. The engagement of others in their conservation process and increasing their appreciation, enjoyment and understanding of the habitat. Reconnecting Woods, Trees and People – The creation of new woodland and hedgerows, the planting of individual trees and restoration of existing treed habitats to increase the habitat connectivity and create a resilient landscape in the Westmorland Dales. Changing the Course, Slowing the Flow – The restoration of reaches of both Scandal Beck and the River Lyvennet for the benefit of people and wildlife. Working with and through natural processes to improve habitats and slow the flow in the upper catchment, alleviating flood risk downstream in more populous areas. Sustaining Farming in the Westmorland Dales – Building the capacity of the farming community to enable their businesses to continue to sustain the rich cultural heritage of the area and communicate how they manage the landscape to members of the public. Riverine Species Monitoring – The objective of the project is to collect better data on the presence, prevalence and distribution of key riverine indicator species such as White Clawed Crayfish, Atlantic Salmon and European Eel in the upper Lune catchment. The project will also collect better data on the diversity and prevalence of other fish species in the area. Cultural heritage Great Asby Scar Archaeology Survey – Community archaeology survey across an area of upland rough grazing and limestone pavement at Great Asby Scar. Little Asby through the Keyhole – Community archaeological excavations at Little Asby Common Digging the Past – Community-based test pitting project within a historic village settlement. The project will raise awareness and interest in local history, build links to the past and bring together different generations to share an appreciation in local history and to gain skills. Gamelands Stone Circle – Undergrounding intrusive overhead electricity wires so as to improve visual amenity in and around Gamelands Stone Circle, a prehistoric scheduled monument. Geophysical and other surveys to enhance understanding of its archaeological context. Dry Stone Walls – Historical and condition survey of dry stone walls throughout the project area. Seek to understand the narrative of enclosure through the patterns of the field walls. Consolidation of priority lengths of wall. Traditional Farm Buildings – The survey, recording and interpretation of traditional farm buildings in the Westmorland Dales. Conservation work on a number of key buildings under threat. Small-scale Heritage Features – A community small-scale heritage features survey of 7 settlements will be carried out to inform records, interpretation and restoration. Our Common Heritage – The project will observe, record and celebrate common land, commoners and commoning in the area. It will record the unique history of this type of land and farming, and culminate in a celebration of the area’s common land and commoners. Monuments at Risk – Conservation project undertaking works to protect some of the most vulnerable heritage sites in the project area including Pendragon Castle, Smardale Lime Kilns, Crosby Ravensworth Barrow and Shieling. A Way Through – The exploration of routes through the Westmorland Dales which people and animals have used for thousands of years, and the physical and cultural marks they have left. The sharing of the story with the wider public Connecting heritage Love Your Landscape – A small grants scheme for voluntary and community groups, landowners, farmers, schools and local councils to reveal, conserve, enhance, celebrate and raise awareness of the unique landscape of the Westmorland Dales. Skills for the Future – Nine work-based apprenticeships in environmental management and cultural heritage conservation plus certificated vocational training. It will provide the opportunity for young people to conserve special features of their local area and deliver substantial heritage and conservation gains during the lifetime of the project. Discovering the Westmorland Dales – Improvement of the condition and infrastructure of the rights of way network in the Westmorland Dales, and the promotion of opportunities for quiet recreation as a means of exploring the area. Creation of a bridleway link between the Pennine Bridleway and Eden Valley Loops, and the extension of the Yorkshire Dales Cycleway. Distinctly Westmorland Dales – Work with local tourism businesses in the Westmorland Dales area to help them to promote and encourage enjoyment and understanding of the Westmorland Dales’ unique character and hidden heritage. Interpreting the Westmorland Dales – A coordinated approach to interpreting the Westmorland Dales and its heritage, using a variety of media to engage local people and visitors in understanding and appreciating what makes the area special. Celebrating and Engaging – A programme of individual projects and complementary range of structured community engagement activities that will add value to and underpin individual projects. The coordination of volunteering opportunities, an artistic engagement programme and landscape-related learning opportunities. Manage Cookie Preferences