23rd January 2023

We are pleased to report that, the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority shared our concerns and on 2nd December 2022 refused permission for the mast on the basis of “significant harm to the scenic beauty and intrinsic character of this highly sensitive, remote and undeveloped National Park landscape by reason of the size, design and prominent siting”.

27th October 2022

Members of the community got in touch to express their concerns about a proposed 25m lattice mast on Barbon Low Fell.

Following a site visit, we share the views of Friends of the Dales, the Ramblers, the Red Rose Cave and Pothole Club and local residents that the proposal should be rejected.

A key factor is the balance between the benefits of a new mast and the visual and landscape impacts.

Local people have confirmed that properties in the area are already well provided for by B4RN (Broadband for the Rural North) coverage, whilst on the other hand, the proposal will conflict with the Cumbria Landscape Character Guidance and Toolkit, which specifically refers to telecommunications masts being likely to cause harm in this open, wild, undeveloped landscape. 

You can read our full response here>

Video: Our Planning Officer Lorayne reports on plans for a 25m communications mast near Barbon during a site-visit earlier this week.