Gentlemen’s Yachts on Grasmere 14th January 2020 Read our written response to the Development Control department at the Lake District National Park Authority RE: 7/2019/5808 (CERTIFICATE OF LAWFULNESS OF PROPOSED USE OR DEVELOPMENT) PROPOSED USE OF LAND FOR THE MOORING OF UP TO 10 BOATS TO BE USED FOR RECREATIONAL USE AND OVERNIGHT HOLIDAY ACCOMMODATION 6th January 2020 We have deep concerns about proposals for houseboats on Grasmere. The current application has been made so that the Park Authority planners can formally determine whether planning permission is required. We will be looking at the application in detail and will make a formal response, but we have initial concerns that that in planning terms, the boats are being proposed primarily for leisure accommodation rather than any boating activity that can be reasonably associated with the scale and nature of Grasmere. We also have great concerns about the precedent this could set for other water bodies. We think that the proposal would have a significant detrimental effect upon the landscape of an area that is loved by so many for its tranquil nature, views out to the fells and association with the world renowned lakeland poets. If the Park decides that a planning application is required we would strongly resist it because of its effect upon the landscape and world heritage site. Manage Cookie Preferences