30 Members attended our 87th (and second via Zoom) AGM on 2 July. Attendance was up on the previous year with the remote format allowing some Members at distance to attend for the first time.

Chairman John Campbell acknowledged the sad deaths earlier this year of Patrons Lord Frank Judd and Lord Tony Greaves before giving his report for the year 2020, which was obviously dominated by the effects of Covid19. We rose to that challenge and maintained our core charitable functions throughout the year. As he stood down as Chairman and Trustee, he thanked the Staff and fellow Trustees for all their efforts throughout an extraordinary year.

John Campbell was then elected as Vice President.

Honorary Treasurer David Felton presented the Annual Report and Accounts, saying that there was much to celebrate in 2020’s figures. Membership subscription income increased steadily and legacies also rose so that total income for the year went from £910k in 2019 to over £1million. For the majority of our income we have to thank our Members. No matter how given - as a Member, a lifetime Member, benefactor, as a business supporter, through donations, or legacies; none of the work that protects the landscapes we love would happen without this support.

Lamont Pridmore were re-appointed as auditors.

The Chairman welcomed the attendance of our three co-opted Trustees, Laura Doan, Robin Forrest and Tony Vaux.

We had one resignation– that of Michael Day, and in compliance with our Articles, two Trustees at the end of their second term of office retired – John Campbell, and Judith Cooke, our Vice Chair.  However, given the current pandemic circumstances, the Executive agreed to extend the term of appointment of Judith Cooke, as an exceptional case, to maintain continuity of leadership during these unpredictable times. 

Two other Trustees stood down without seeking re-election, Tiffany Hunt and Antony Leeming.

View / Download Minutes of Friends of the Lake District AGM 2nd July 2021 (pdf)

If you have any questions about the 2021 AGM, please email the Company Secretary, Clare Hucknall, [email protected] or telephone 015395 41216 or the main office number 01539 720788.