Temporary camp site rules relaxed Update 28th July 2023 Temporary camp site rules relaxed We were very disappointed to learn in July that nationally set ‘permitted development rights’ for temporary campsites have been extended on a permanent basis from 28 to 60 days, including in protected landscapes. This follows a Government consultation on the proposals earlier in the year, in which we and others, such as the Campaign for National Parks, cited a number of concerns about extending the rights. Whilst it appears operators will need to notify the local authority of their plans, it is very concerning that whereas the consultation sought views on a proposed maximum of 30 tent pitches per site to be subject to this new right, the Government has chosen to allow up to 50 pitches for tents or campervans along with any movable structure reasonably necessary to support such use, such as toilets. We recommended that protected landscapes and other designations be excluded from the proposals and highlighted that in some cases, even 30 pitches could be inappropriate, but these pleas have been ignored and the new right will apply across all National Parks, AONBs and other designations, with only a few exceptions. This extension of rights could have a significant impact on the landscape and is directly at odds with the recent decision by a Government-appointed Inspector to refuse permission for a seasonal permanent campsite in the Newlands valley on landscape grounds. Update 3 May 2023 Relaxing Planning Rules for Campsites and Renewable Energy We have responded to a recent Government consultation asking for views on proposals to extend the period that temporary campsites can operate without requiring planning permission to up to 60 days for campsites of up to 30 tents. The same consultation also sought views on relaxing rules relating to domestic and non-domestic solar energy installations. These are important issues for the landscape and for increasing the proportion of energy from renewable resources. We recommended that protected landscapes should be exempted from the relaxing of the rules relating to camp sites. We broadly supported measures to make it easier for solar to be installed, particularly on non-domestic properties and solar canopies, while seeking reassurance that careful consideration will still be given to impacts on landscape and heritage. Read our response (pdf) You can find out more here Manage Cookie Preferences