9am Welcome and Sandford theme overview

9.45am Sandford – from Principle to Practice
Real-world examples of planning and policy decisions, debated by the whole group

10.45am Break

11.15am Morning Workshops, choose from:

  1. Lake and river restoration – tools to turn the tide
  2. Farming and nature – agriculture in a post-Basic Payments world
  3. Visitor revenue capture – how could levies and charges work?

12.15pm Lunch

1.15pm Sandford – from Principle to Politics, Chaired by Caz Graham (BBC Farming Today)
A panel of politicians and policy experts including Tim Farron MP and Tiffany Hunt (LDNPA Chair)

2.15pm Break

2.45pm Afternoon workshops, choose from:

  1. Landscape-scale nature recovery – what works, when you’re thinking big?
  2. Preparing for political change – a toolkit for political advocacy
  3. Parks for all – engagement, diversity, inclusion, right to roam

3.45pm Sandford – from Principle to Protest
A panel of inspiring campaigners, chaired by Dave Felton, with Kate Ashbrook, Amy-Jane Beer, Matt Staniek and Lee Schofield

4.45pm Conclusions and close at 5pm
Aperitif, Evening Dinner, and Quiz