Update 4th April 2019

We were very pleased to learn that the application for 8 houses on Blease Road, Threlkeld has now been refused on landscape and residential amenity grounds. 

We objected to this application on the basis of harm to landscape character and visual amenity, including cumulative impacts with other developments and conflict with local and national policy and guidance.

The refusal follows a second attempt to get the scheme through. You can read our second response in full here: 

Second Response

A resubmitted proposal for the 3 dwellings at Station Road was allowed following some revisions to the scheme.

Update 17th October 2018

We recently responded to consultation on two applications for housing developments in Threlkeld. There have been several applications for housing development in Threlkeld recently and here too we feel that this represents an overdevelopment of the village. We are pleased to see that one of the proposals (the 3 dwellings at Station Road) has been withdrawn and we await news on the second proposal.

September 2018

Threlkeld village has seen something of a bombardment of planning applications lately and we have key concerns about the cumulative impacts of these as well as the landscape and settlement character impacts of the individual proposals.

This one concerns 8 houses at Blease Road, and 3 local needs houses at Station Road.

See our response here.