Update 30th July 2019

We were disappointed to hear yesterday (29th July 2019) that the planning appeal has been allowed relating to the extension of life of Kirkby Moor Windfarm. Arguments that the proposal did not constitute repowering and therefore did not find special favour in the National Planning Policy Framework were rejected, along with other arguments around landscape, heritage, noise and residential amenity impacts, impacts on the setting of the National Park and the proposed National Park extensions. The outcome of this case may influence decisions on other proposals to extend the life of windfarms. 

We joined and worked closely with local group Kirkby Moor Protectors to challenge the proposal and participated with them in the planning inquiry held in Ulverston in January this year. Despite this outcome, working closely with the community in this way was a very positive experience and we gained valuable experience through being directly involved in the process.

The decision means that permission has been granted to extend the life (duration of the planning permission) of the existing turbines until 31 March 2027, followed by a further year to carry out decommissioning works.

The original application in 2015 by RWE to decommission the 12 existing turbines on the Kirkby Moor site and replace them with 6 turbines with a blade tip height of 115m, over two and a half times the height of the current turbines, was refused and not appealed. The application by Zephyr Investments to instead extend the duration for which the turbines would remain in place was submitted in 2017 and was also refused, but the company appealed, resulting in this inquiry.

Update 3rd July 2019

We are still waiting the Inspector’s decision in relation to an application to extend the time the Kirkby Moor windfarm is permitted to remain in situ. The decision was originally expected in May but we have now been informed that the decision will be made on or before 12th August.

Update 7th February 2019

We are expecting a decision on Kirkby Moor wind farm on or before 21st May 2019.

Update 1st February 2019

On Tuesday 29th January, we spoke at the Inquiry into the into the appeal against refusal of an application to extend the life of the wind farm by 8 years. Our objection is primarily on the grounds of landscape impacts. 

We stood with members of the community and Parish and District Councillors as a ‘Rule 6’ group, meaning we had the benefit of an experienced advocate, a collective voice  and formal standing at the Inquiry. All those that spoke put their cases across fairly and clearly and it was heartening to see the way in which the community had come together. 

We felt the Inquiry went well and was conducted very fairly. The Inspector will now undertake some further site visits before preparing his report and issuing his decision. This is expected to take several weeks, but we will provide updates as soon as we receive news on the outcome.

Update 25th January 2019

The second week of the Kirkby Moor Wind Farm Planning Inquiry will begin at 10am on Tuesday 29th January in the Supper Room (upstairs) at Coronation Hall, Ulverston with subsequent days commencing at 10am. It reconvenes to continue the Inquiry into the appeal against refusal of an application to extend the life of the wind farm by 8 years.

Friends of the Lake District will be attending the Inquiry and will be speaking on Tuesday 29th (likely to be pm). Members of the public are welcome to attend and will have an opportunity to speak on Wednesday 30th January.

The last day has been scheduled for Friday 1st February but it is possible, if good progress is made, that the Inquiry will finish earlier.

Update 14th December 2018

We are preparing to take part in the public inquiry that will determine the appeal referred to in the extract below (2nd August 2018). The appeal will take place over 2 weeks from 21st January at the Coronation Hall, Ulverston, with the exact timetable yet to be set out.

Update 2nd August 2018

Zephyr Investments has appealed against South Lakeland District Council’s decision to refuse its application to extend the life of its windfarm at Kirkby Moor. The windfarm, on the edge of the Lake District National Park on the Furness Peninsula, was granted temporary planning permission for 25 years in 1992. It will now go to a public inquiry in January 2019.

The formal deadline for the public to object is 7 August but people can still make their views heard beyond that through local parish councils and campaign groups.

We objected previously (to the original scheme, a re-powering of the scheme and to the application to extend its life) and will be adding further evidence for our objection as part of the appeal process - and we will be doing so as part of a 'Rule 6 coalition' along with other parties that have concerns about the proposal, mainly the group ‘Kirkby Moor Protectors’.

6th December 2017

Friends of the Lake District welcomes the decision by South Lakeland District Council Planning Committee to refuse the application by Zephyr Investments to retain the turbines on Kirby Moor, on the Furness peninsula, Cumbria, until 31st March 2027.

Read our press release Time runs out for Kirkby Moor Windfarm

25th September 2017

We responded to the application to vary condition 6 - to extend the life of the wind farm.

Read our response

26th November 2015

South Lakeland District Council’s planning committee has refused the application for repowering the Kirkby Moor windfarm.

The proposal by energy company RWE comprised the decommissioning of the 12 existing turbines on the Kirkby Moor site and replacing them with 6 turbines with a blade tip height of 115m, over two and a half times the height of the current turbines.