21st October 2022

Copeland Borough Council has now submitted it’s Local Plan to the Government. The Local Plan will now be subject to a Public Examination by a Planning Inspector.

19th May 2022

Working closely with the National Trust, we have been successful in securing changes to Copeland’s emerging local plan that will see the area proposed as an extension to the St Bee’s Heritage Coast protected by planning policy. Changes to better protect dark skies have also been included. The preparation of the Copeland Local Plan is in its final stages and we understand that the next step will be for the Council to submit the Plan to the Government for Examination.

Copeland Borough Council is currently consulting on the final draft of their new Local Plan. The Plan will set new planning policies and identify areas for new development in the area of Copeland that lies outside the Lake District National Park.

We have responded to earlier consultations during the preparation of the new plan and have been pleased to see some of our suggested changes taken into account, including in relation to dark skies and the St Bees and Whitehaven heritage coast extension. We will be reviewing the final draft document in more detail and responding to the consultation by the deadline of Monday 21st February 2022.

To find out more and have your say, please see https://www.copeland.gov.uk/content/local-plan-2021-2038-publication-draft-consultation