It’s not too late to join the fight!

New policies make it clear that Ullock Moss is not the place for a new car park and that alternative ways of exploring the National Park are what’s really needed.

The proposed car park at Ullock Moss near Portinscale could:

  • Undermine hopes of achieving plans for Sustainable Travel and a Low Carbon Lake District
  • Set a dangerous precedent for other temporary car parks across the National Park 

You’ll find details of the application by searching for application reference number 7/2020/2291 at

Many thanks to those of you who have already written to the LDNPA about this case. If you have not written already but are able to do so, we have prepared a template to help you (see below). 

A huge number of responses have been made to this planning application, and many share our concerns about the proposal, including many local residents of Portinscale itself. Like us, they recognise the need for parking and traffic issues to be addressed in the Cat Bells area, but also see that this proposal is not an appropriate solution.

  • Join us in letting the Lake District National Park Authority (LDNPA) know that we will support them in standing by their local planning policies and their clearly-stated vision for sustainable travel in, to and from the National Park
  • Help us ensure that this proposal is not allowed to set a precedent for temporary car parks to become permanent

Write TO THE LDNPA to help the fight against this proposal. We've created a letter template to help you write your own response (with suggested text to guide you) and then email it to the Lake District National Park Authority. 

(Template includes instructions on what to write and where to send)

This case is not just about whether or not this particular proposal fits certain criteria or not. There is a lot more at stake, because this case could have significant bearing on the wider future of the Lake District, what it will look like and what it will become, as well as impacting directly on important views and habitats.

There are specific solutions for this area that are already set out by the LDNPA as part of a wider Smarter Travel plan for the whole of the National Park. This is the plan that should be implemented instead of developing new car parks.

Comments on the proposal should be made to the Lake District National Park Authority by 25th June 2021. Responses submitted shortly after that will still be accepted up until the decision is made (currently expected to be 7th July 2021).

We would be grateful if you would also consider copying us into your reply by copying our planning officer [email protected] into emailed submissions. Your comments will help to inform our own position on these issues.

You'll find more background information in the planning section of our website, including details of our comment to date and a copy of a press release sent to highlight this issue.