Friends of the Lake District has launched an online survey to find out what benefits Hows Wood, in Eskdale, (which we own and manage) provides. We need your views on what is special and important to you about Hows Wood.

Even if you have never visited - why not take the chance to go this summer? - (a virtual tour is available here), we still want to know what you value about your experiences in woodland in general. Your responses will help show how important woodlands are, and why they should be protected for future generations.

Trees and woodlands can be important for many reasons. They may provide a home for wildlife, tranquil walks, absorb carbon or slow the flow of water to prevent flooding downstream. But what makes Hows Wood special to you? Often, the things we believe are special can be overlooked when decisions are made about our landscapes, because others feel they have no financial value. Friends of the Lake District is working with Professor Lois Mansfield of Environmentors Ltd to understand the true value of Hows Wood.

If you would like to discuss it further please contact us at [email protected]


How long will the survey take?
The survey should take around 20 minutes to complete.

Where is How’s Wood?

Hows Wood is situated in upper Eskdale in the Lake District National Park and English Lake District World Heritage Site (see location map on Google) and covers 20 acres (8 hectares). A virtual tour of Hows Wood is available here.

How do you value the benefits of Hows Wood?
To understand the true value of the woodland to people it is sometimes necessary to put a financial value on things that cannot normally be valued in this way. Our research is looking at people's willingness to pay for the benefits that do not have a financial value, e.g. fresh air, fitness, learning.

Willingness to pay is a technique used in economics to determine the maximum price at or below which a person will definitely buy one unit of a product. This is purely a theoretical task to help us understand how all benefits contribute to the local economy, and the health and well being of the local community and wider society. It will allow these benefits to be more accurately compared to the sort of direct financial benefits that decision makers are more familiar with.

I am finding it very difficult to value something that, to me, is priceless

We understand that some of the things you find special are difficult to put a financial value on. It doesn’t always feel ethical to value nature or culture. Unfortunately, decision makers often overlook things that do not have a direct financial value. We want to illustrate that these things are still vital to people and have a value. The financial values you provide are an indicator of this value and how different benefits compare.

I have never been, can I still complete the survey?

Even if you have never been, we would still like you to complete the survey. Responses from visitors and non-visitors will be split into two groups and analysed to show any differences or similarities in how woodlands are valued. If you haven’t visited, or would like a reminder of your visit a virtual tour is available at