In this edition:

A Happy New Year to you all as we head into 2022, I'm delighted to share the first of the year's updates on all that we do.

We're excited about the range of events on offer at February's Dark Skies Cumbria festival, providing a good mix of online events and physical activities to celebrate our Dark Skies.

We've just scheduled a record breaking number of workparties in 2022 inviting volunteers to come along and help us with on our land with tree planting, dry stone walling, gorse control, woodland work and hedge planting. 

Undergrounding of powerlines continues in the county thanks to the continued work of Electricity North West; this despite what must have been a challenging December with storms bringing such damage to the electricity infrastructure. 

I'm pleased to say that our ambition only increases as we take on 2022 with optimism and with the landscape at the heart of what we do.

With very best wishes,

Douglas Chalmers, Chief Executive

Read it here: A Postcard from the Lakes - 7th January 2022

Header image: Ben Bush: Andromeda and the Langdale Pikes

If you've missed any editions, you can still read all of our postcards here

We’ll also be sharing updates on our social media accounts, so make sure you’re following us on FacebookTwitter and Instagram